Publications & Thought leadership
The Adversity Advantage - Book Interview
Clau is interviewed by her book coach Kath Walters about why she wrote her book The Adversity Advantage. Hear the story of the title of the book and how Clau works with her coaching clients, doing exactly that: Turning adversity into advantage.
See the video of the interview in which Kath asks Clau these 3 questions:
1. What is your book about?
2. What prompted you to write a book?
3. What are the five lessons you learned from writing this book?
Enjoy the video!
Top 15 Coaches in Adelaide….
Pleasantly surprised and honoured to be included amongst these wonderful coaches. This definitely...
What is Leadership Drift and how to avoid it?
Leadership drift: Are you the most authentic and best leader you can be? When we are under...
➡️ Big Changes -> Big Decisions -> Big Rewards
✍️ Would you describe yourself as a proactive decision maker in both your life and career? If you...
The feel good factor of Optimism
Wouldn't it be great to be and to remain optimistic, through these tough times? But how can you...
💡 In case you missed it….
In case you missed last week’s post, incl. the May edition of The Shiftability Dinner...
The Excitement of Change
Wondering why I’m posting a photo of Jack 🐾 and me on LinkedIn? Well, there’s a good reason for...
Human Connection
What is the #1 thing that can: 📈Grow your business 🧠 Improve your mental health ️❤️Boost your...
5 years Lantos Coaching & Consultancy in Australia!
Wowww🤓time has flown: 5 years Lantos Coaching & Consultancy in Australia! Being an Executive...
The Power of Feedback
We all know feedback is a critical tool to keep growing as leaders, but do you maximise the...
IWD 2021 #ChooseToChallenge and How To Think Things Through
Today, on International Women's Day 8 March 2021, I was invited to speak in front of some pretty...
Thinking Things Through
"Thinking Things Through is the most valuable tool for leadership effectiveness". Yet, it's the...
Building your coaching practice
As an IECL Alumni I was thrilled to present on the topic "Building Your Coaching Practice" for the...
So looking forward…. chatting to Sangeeta Pilger at the Association for Coaching webinar today! See you there!👍🤓...
Climb Every Mountain Finalist!
Yesss!🤩I’m excited to share that I’m a “Climb Every Mountain Finalist” for the 2020 Altitude...
The WHAT and the HOW.
For most leaders, pivoting the business services or repurposing production in these times, is a no...
Do you find it hard to make decisions while under pressure?
Decision making is the process of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values,...
Remember to shift between states: from high achiever to high performer.
Being a high achiever can be exhausting. In my book The Adversity Advantage I describe that...
Risk Appetite or Risk Aversion?
Where do you find yourself in these uncertain times regarding risk taking: are you comfortable...
In order to adapt effectively it’s important to be mindful to keep our calm and patience, if we...
Turning Adversity into Advantage, by using humor.
Now that most of us are WFH and we’re getting used to this new normal, one thing in particular...
Time to redefine “success”.
What would succes look like for you now? Adapting to this new world, where change and WFH is...
Woohoo! Stoked to have my article in the September 2019 issue of LATTE, The Business Chicks Australia Magazine.
I hope you enjoy the read!

Very excited that my article “The Performance Shift” is included in the 100th issue special of the CEO Magazine – March 2020 edition!

Breakfast event at IECL Sydney “How to create your unique coaching approach”
Tuesday 19 November 2019
When my colleague and friend Yu Dan Shi and I had exchanged and read each other’s book, we thought to share both our stories with our peers/Alumni’s at IECL. We are both passionate about helping high achievers approach and optimise their leadership roles, but tend to look from different perspectives. Having conversations about how we help our clients/coachees with our own unique approach enriched our thinking and we hope to have inspired other coaches to think about what their approach is. It makes it so much easier if we can articulate well what it is we stand for as a coach, and it makes it easier for our clients to refer others to us. The icing on the cake was the great turnout and engaged conversation with the coaches in the audience. Looking forward to next conversations!
Book launch event
Monday 6 May 2019
For years I wanted to write a book but couldn’t quite decide on the best topic. Until my good friend and peer Megan Tait pointed out to me that sharing my insights and learnings from turning adversity into an advantage, would also help other people. It is a story I know so well from both my own experience and from the leaders I work with in my executive coaching practice. We all face adversity in life and business, and sometimes it’s not clear how that could actually increase our adaptability, resilience and decision making. It is my intention that the book is helping you to do just that. I was approached by Kath Walters, my book coach, in December 2018 if I wanted to write a book, and 5 months later everything fell into place. I was lucky enough and very thankful to gather an amazing team around me to actually make it happen. Here are some pictures of the launch event and celebrations. I hope you enjoy them!
Bookstores carrying my book!
Dymocks Book Store George Street, Sydney
Harry Hartog, Book shop, Westfield, Bondi Junction
TITLE, Bookshop, Barangaroo
Abode Homewares & Giftshop, Bondi Beach
Claudia's take on Executive Coaching (November 2017)
As Claudia has done many hours of coaching training and has and still works closely together with them on several pro bono future leaders coaching programs, IECL (The Institute for Executive Coaching & Leadership) interviewed her to shine a light on her personal coaching approach. Have a look if you like to get a better feel of what you can expect working with Claudia and how you can benefit from it. At the end of the video she also elaborates on what’s needed to build a coaching practice.