Peer Coaching Supervision

One-on-one reflective practice for in- and external Executive Coaches

 “To be the best coach you can be, you need to know yourself exceptionally well.”

“Coaching Supervision helps to take your reflective practice to the next level!”

Peer Coaching Supervision is for you, when you want to:

Be the best Executive Coach you can be, providing best value and experience for your Coachee

Build further on your self-awareness, self-actualisation and resilience

Enhance your introspection and self-reflection skills

Engage in regular Coaching Supervision, to ensure ROI from qualitative and effective coaching (as required by most organisations)

Count work with a Coaching Supervisor toward Continuing Coach Education (CCE) requirements, in the area of Core Competencies for renewal of your ICF Credential, as an ICF Credential-holder.

What will Coaching Supervision provide you?

Coaching Supervision is designed to help you build further on your self-awareness and self-actualisation.

Through reflective practice in the Coaching Supervision conversations, you will get a better understanding why your Coachee or you, react in a certain way during your coaching conversations.

We are all only human and sometimes we can’t help ourselves to relate and/or to show our emotions/feelings about something the Coachee brings to the table. And that makes it hard to keep holding that safe and objective space for the Coachee.

We learn so much from our own reactions or behaviour, but it’s not always effective for your Coachee to experience them. In Coaching Supervision conversations, you’ll make more sense of your reaction so that you can show up more objective and therefore effective, next time.

Click here for testimonials

 What does Coaching Supervision require from you?

– Willingness to self-reflect

– Curiosity for different perspectives

– Embracing honest feedback 

It’s so crucial to keep increasing self-awareness,  to be more present,  helpful and supportive as a Coach. 

I will encourage, challenge, guide you and offer you insights, but you will need to consistently do the reflective work to be able to instil and apply the learnings and finetune your coaching to that next level.

New insights about yourself and an improved approach are the reward, so you can the best coach you can be!!

For more info and understanding of Coaching Supervision as explained by the ICF, also see:

Benefits of Coaching Supervision:

Customised personal and professional growth as an Executive Coach

Opportunity to bring, discuss and learn from insights on coaching engagements, ethical issues, personal uncertainties and vulnerability

Opportunity to hold the space better for your Coachee, and to finetune competency and/or practice

Increased self-awareness - uncovering blind spots and building greater confidence in your capabilities as a coach

Stretching to full potential - increased resourcefulness, resilience and presence as a coach

Guided introspection and reflective practice for transformational insights and learnings

“How you coach and the effect it has on you and your Coachee, matters.”

About me

My passion for Peer Coaching Supervision is to provide you with an enriching experience, enhancing your approach and the effectiveness of your coaching practice.

I’m an IECL trained Supervisor and an ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) credentialed Executive Coach with 15 years of international coaching experience.

As a member of two country management teams of a global professional services group, I opened up new markets, and built new teams. I also built successful coaching businesses, both in Europe and in Australia. Since then I have coached leaders and supervised executive coaches from (inter)national organisations, supporting them to reach their full potential and helping them go from strength to strength.

I’m specifically focused on helping you make sense and turn around, what doesn’t work for you.

Click here for full bio

What does a Coaching Supervision program look like?

Coaching Supervision is not just some series of conversations. It’s introspection – deep diving, exploring and getting to know yourself better.

A Coaching Supervision program is usually 6x 1.5hrs Coaching Supervision conversations via Zoom, one on one.

To help you optimise your reflective practice you can bring topics on how you experienced your coaching conversations. I support you to reflect, analyse, plan and fine tune your future coaching conversations, so you can be the best coach you can be and be better aware of what goes on for you.

Reflection and “homework” during and in between sessions – will be scheduled every 4-5 weeks.

Extension possible. Self-diagnostic tools for further self -awareness are optional.


What you will get in my Coaching Supervision sessions:

– Reflection (reflective learning to build and improve self awareness and insights)

– Anticipation (analysis on how to optimise the coaching experience and outcomes for your coachee)

– Preparation (articulate the insights and learnings for enhanced coaching competency for action)

– Action (apply learnings into future action for the benefit of yourself and your coachees)

You will better understand the value you bring for your Coachee. And often, an even more important question to ask yourself is: What behaviour or belief might be in the way to support my Coachee best?

In short, as a Coaching Supervisor I will provide you with reflective learning to increase your thinking power & focus, adaptability and effectiveness.

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Business Cases – under construction.. 

Topic: How to be fully presence for my Coachee?

Approach: Reflect.. introspection…

Topic: What is needed to provide my coachee a safe space?


Building a trusting and effective coaching relationship with your coachee, and providing that coaching, being truly present and competent is crucial, which requires continuous development.

To establish trust and to provide a great coaching experience, you need to know yourself, incl your strengths and triggers of behaviour, very well.

That’s why the process of reflective learning from Coaching Supervision will allow you to coach with calm confidence, compassion and ongoing clarity.

As an Executive Coach we are privileged to build and maintain a trusting, supporting, guiding and confidential relationship with our coachees.

In these unprecedented times we are confronted with the many challenges and issues of our coachees, but also with our own challenges and issues as a coach and a human being.

That means that in order to provide a safe and professional sounding board for our coachees, we need to have a firm understanding and awareness of our own triggers that might play up, so that we can manage our behaviours effectively and be fully present and beneficial for our coachees.

Topic: How txx?

Approach: Learn how to xx.

Topic: How to increase confidence in my coaching abilities?

Approach: Strategies on how to set yourself up for success: how to create routine morning rituals, overview, tools, structure and priorities that work for you and create more headspace for strategic thinking. 

Topic: How to self correct when I am under pressure?

Approach: Approach: Support with how to manage perception and expectations. xx.